As all good things do, Catholic Schools Week began in prayer. Thank you to our students and parents who participated in the Masses and the Open House!
Monday, January 27
Celebrating Our Nation • Focus on Piety
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us!
On the first in-school day of Catholic Schools Week, our students showed their Saint Francis Classical spirit with an SFCCA Dress Down Day.
In the afternoon, they tried their hand at making candles (that would be blessed by Father James on Candlemas).
After school, there was an epic dodgeball tournament along with a Movie Night and Parent Auxiliary meeting.
Tuesday, January 28
Celebrating our Community • Focus on Goodness
Saint Junipero Serra, pray for us!
On Tuesday, our younger students were astounded by the presentation of The Amazing Magi, Mr. Michael Reist.
Our older students were also impressed to learn about all of the things that Birthright of Pottstown does for our community from Mrs. Sophie Schneible.
That evening, parents and students gathered for one of the most beloved Catholic Schools Week traditions-skating at Ringing Rocks Roller Rink!
Wednesday, January 29
Celebrating Our Faculty • Focus on Self-gift
Saint Katharine Drexel, pray for us!
On Wednesday, we had a visit from the Lehigh Valley Mobile Zoo and got an up close look at some of God's wonderful creatures!
Thursday, January 30
Celebrating Our Students • Focus on Truth
Saint Thomas Aquinas, pray for us!
On Thursday, in honor of Saint Thomas and his homeland of Italy, the students were treated to a lunch of Pasta Amatriciana and Caesar Salad.
Father James then gave a fantastic presentation on the Angelic Doctor to our older students.
After school, our intramural basketball squad faced off in vintage SFA uniforms.
Friday, January 31
Celebrating Vocations • Focus on Listening for God's Call
Saint John Neumann, pray for us!
For the last in-school day of Catholic Schools Week, the students were allowed to come dressed "More Formal Than Normal" and we think you'll agree that they looked pretty sharp!
Our Sixth through Eighth Grade students participated in a CYO Kitchen Kapers qualifier, and our Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade students treated the older kids to a sneak peek of Oliver!
Be sure to check out our Oliver! page for videos from the evening performance!
Sunday, February 2
Celebrating Our Families • Focus on the Domestic Church
Candlemas at MBS
It was a blessing to celebrate The Presentation of the Lord and Candlemas with the parishioners of MBS.
Thank you to Father James for inviting us and for blessing the candles that the students made earlier in the week!